Oct 9, 2009

The Curse of Doctor D (Friday Dead Links)

Be afraid! Doctor D is the kiss of death for really great medical blogs!

Just when Doctor D says to himself, "This is my favorite blog on the whole frickin' internet!" the blog suddenly disappears. Not just stops updating, but disappears completely into password protected oblivion!

First came Crass Pollination by Nurse K. Doctor D laughed so hard reading those wild tales from Nurse K's ER! It closed just a few weeks after Doctor D found it. Coincidence?

Then just this week Doctor D was reading Journey to MD and said to himself, "I really enjoy Ella's witty commentary and stories from medical school. I think this is my favorite medblog of all!" And suddenly it's gone... without even a "Hiatus" post!

This is some dangerous stuff! I am desperately trying not to love Dr. Grumpy lest I inadvertently destroy his blog as well. But in case I don't succeed, you should read the post about drunk doctors, the story of Mr. Jackass, and the time Happy Hospitalist got schooled by Grumpy right now!

Doctor D's new found blog-killing power really should be harnessed and used for good! Feel free to let Doctor D know in your comments which medblogs should be spared and which should be destroyed.
Ella and Nurse K if you are out there, please come back! I promise not to annihilate your blogs again.
*UPDATE: So just a few hours after I posted this Ella's Blog reappeared! WTF? Was she just messing with Doctor D to see if he missed her? Welcome back Ella! Now we just need to figure out how to do the same for Nurse K!


  1. Do No Harm to Dr Grumpy's Blog

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. It seems I have also discovered a power of resurrection. Clicked the link and--what do you know?--Ella's blog is back!

    Now I feel frickin' Almighty! Watch out Doctor D is getting a God-Complex!

  4. Just for you, Dr. D. You have powers you didn't even know. Thanks for the boost....

  5. Lol good stuff Dr D, Nurse K was kinda cool. I admire people who have the gumption to just put it out there!

  6. Doctor D killed Nurse K with all his 3rd person blog posts. Doctor D drives Nurse K insane with all his third person blog posts. Nurse K had to take a sanity-related sabbatical to recover from Doctor D's 3rd person blog posts.

  7. Third Person is a symptom of my doctorly god-complex. Just be glad I don't use the royal we. "We have the power to kill and resurrect blogs!"

    But to get Nurse K blogging again I would call myself anything she wanted!

  8. Nurse K would love to write on her blog as well! Nurse K would rather comment on others' blogs and hide her blog at this time, however.
