Jul 26, 2011

Psychotic Medical Students

Doctor D gets lots of emails from students considering medical school.

Hey, if the practice of medicine is your dream then you should go for it, but be forewarned it isn't sexy or glamorous like on Grey's Anatomy. It is years of drudgery in which helping patients and feeling awesome about yourself will be the exception rather than the rule.

But I pray to God you never go totally off your rocker and spend your precious days off making videos like these:

Doctor D has more relevant material than silly parodies of parodies of parodies, but unfortunately not the time to post it right now.

He's also about 2 months behind on answering AskAnMD emails. Feel free to chastise him the comments!


  1. Funny article, thanks for sharing. I also had a question.

    Doctor D what is your opinion about Caribbean medical schools? Are they worth it and will I be able to get a competitive residency?

  2. What role do residents play in healthcare?
    Do we really need them?
    Please join the discussion!



  3. "What role do residents play in healthcare?
    Do we really need them?
    Please join the discussion!"

    Are you kidding with this?

    Socrates answered this one two thousand years ago.

    "But this is just the ingenious riddle of which I was speaking: the demigods or spirits are gods, and you say first that I don't believe in gods, and then again that I do believe in gods; that is, if I believe in demigods. For if the demigods are the illegitimate sons of gods, whether by the Nymphs or by any other mothers, as is thought, that, as all men will allow, necessarily implies the existence of their parents. You might as well affirm the existence of mules, and deny that of horses and asses."
