Jan 29, 2010

The Big D Awards! (Friday Links)

So last post Doctor D examined the ways The Man is always trying to hold us decent bloggers down. With all the great blogs by medical students and nurses they got no love from The Man over at Medgadget.

With all the thankless hard work med students and nurses do the least we could do is recognize their blogs! So Doctor D decided to stick it to The Man, and declare his own Medblog Awards!

So one lucky Nurse Blogger and Med Student Blogger shall be declared "the most awesomest medblog in existence" and receive the coveted Big D Award:

The Big D Award

The nominees for The Big D in NurseBlogging:

The nominees for The Big D in Med Student Blogging:

Enjoy discovering the odd worlds of nursing and medical school! Bloggers, rally your readers and send them to vote you to victory!

The winner in each category gets the honor of a Big D Award and a free Supratentorial Mug direct from Doctor D.
Doctor D nominated the good nurse and med student blogs he knows, but the blogsphere is a big place there are probably other frickin' awesome nurse and med student bloggers out there. Nominate your favorite nurse or med student blog that Doctor D missed in the nominees. Shameless self-promotion is allowed! (as long as it isn't spam)

D's favorite new blog will get a link, and the reader who nominated it will also get a Supratentorial Mug!
The winners will be announced next Friday. Have Fun!


  1. Perhaps some day, maybe after I get back into my clinical rotations, I'll be cool enough to make the blogroll of Dr. D. Maybe someday. :) You might have to add a category for midlevels though.

  2. Wow, I've never been nominated for a blogging award before! Thanks!

  3. This is a whole new trend in transparency in health care. I really like the posts I have read. As a former adult caregiver for ill parents, and a Peer Health Educator, we all need information. We 'lay people' appreciate the information and your sense of humour.

  4. Awww - you included me in MED students ... dare I dream?! :D

  5. Thanks for all those links. Fun reading!

  6. YAY! And I TOTALLY would have voted for you in the medblogger awards. Jerks!

  7. I stalk Dragonfly, OMDG, and IDDX with monotonous regularity (the blogs I mean, not the people...taht would be tough because none of them live in Ireland).

    It's interesting how when you read someones blog for a long time they almost feel like one of your friends (that statement is not meant to be as creepy as it sounds....)

    I must say that I enjoy gabbiana.blogspot.com. Though she's a resident I guess, so therefore falls into a gray zone.

    I am going to put up a few 'vote for ABB' signs on my front lawn now.

    The figs and women are in the mail.

  8. Oh and anatomyonthebeach.blogspot.com. But I am biased as we are actually friends...

  9. Doctor D, how sweet you are and an honor, yet I do not think anyone could ever fill Nurse K's shoes:)

  10. Well, it certainly made me grin to see my name in the med students list. Here's hoping that becomes reality!

    Flattered beyond belief, I am, to have been mentioned at all, but especially amongst such entertaining and top-notch blogs!

    You're the man (note the lack of capitalisation ;) ), Dr. D.

  11. What a nice surprise to see after trekking it back in the biting cold from work! Thanks Dr. D, you're the best :)

  12. Oh and the other blogs are awesome picks! I'll be sure to catch up on my blogging reading as soon as I get a few days off!

  13. Thanks for the nomination. Although clearly we will have to start up some voter tampering to secure the W

  14. Great links and fun reading. Good luck everyone! I'd LOVE a Big D myself.

  15. Great links, Doc D! Some more reading for my free time :)

  16. Don't forget there's also a prize for nominating RN or med student blogs!

    There's less than 24 hours left and only one has been nominated. Nominate now and win the ultra-cool mug!

  17. And time's up!

    As of this moment the winner of the Big D in Nursing is "Nurse Me" with 57 out of the 200 votes!

    And in the Medical Student category we have a tie! Both "Journey to MD" and "Asystole Is The Most Stable Rhythm" currently have 55 votes out of the 225 votes cast. Both shall be declared winners of the Big D.

    Tune into Friday Links today for the awards ceremony!

  18. Oh NO! My campaign was finally heating up!
